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Baker, T., Gupta, S., Hewavitharanage, P., Huggins, V., Hughes, S., & Wells, P. (2022). Surviving and Thriving in the Academy: University Support of Women of Color. Submitted to Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership in Education.  

Battle, K., Sun, N., Huggins, V., Davidson, W., Gibson, A. (2020). Strategic 7: A Divine Mission Accomplished. In N. Sun and D. Culbreth (Eds.) Mastered and PhDished: 

Reflections on Women of Color and Graduate Education. Journal of Colorism Studies. (In progress) 


Paulson, John; Huggins, Veronica; and Gentile, Douglas A. (2019) "Mindful Awareness Training: A Pilot Study Integrating Mindfulness Practices into a Rural Jail-Based Substance Abuse Program," Contemporary Rural Social Work Journal: Vol. 11: No. 1, Article 5. Available at:


Huggins, V. C., & Wells, P. R. (2017). Health Disparity: Women of Color. Femtech: The   

Evolution of Sexual Health for Women, 26–27. Phase 4 Shades of Noir Available at: 

(Printed in 2019)

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